SSA - Singapore Shipping Association
SSA stands for Singapore Shipping Association
Here you will find, what does SSA stand for in Maritime under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Singapore Shipping Association? Singapore Shipping Association can be abbreviated as SSA What does SSA stand for? SSA stands for Singapore Shipping Association. What does Singapore Shipping Association mean?The Singapore based company is located in Singapore engaged in maritime industry.
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Alternative definitions of SSA
- Selective Service Number
- Sub Saharan Africa
- Nilo- Saharan (Other)
- Side Saddle Association
- Single Static Assignment
- System Specification for ATCCS
- Singapore Soka Association
- Secondary Switching Area
View 296 other definitions of SSA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SPCC Sea Pines Country Club
- SFF Standard Furniture Factory
- SFCCI Shallow Ford Construction Company Inc.
- SRA Stapleton Realty and Appraisal
- SSA Seismological Society of America
- SPR Shelter Public Relations
- SBD Smack Bang Designs
- SSM Social Spice Media
- SCJDK Swift Chrysler Jeep Dodge Kia
- SSNPF The Seventh Swedish National Pension Fund
- SMI Sage Microsystems Inc.
- SRMI Sabre Realty Management Inc.
- SAEINA SAE Institute North America
- SDO Store to Door of Oregon
- SES Superior Equipment and Supply
- SSIC Self Service Ice Company
- SHC Steadman Hawkins Clinic
- SCO Sales Communications Oy
- SCHS Sheboygan County Head Start
- SBA Seibold Baker Associates